2024 Programs

The following programs have been confirmed for W9DXCC 2024. This final schedule may not have them in this order.

N5J – Jarvis Island

Adrian KO8SCA will present on the Jarvis Island DXpedition.

CY9C – St Paul Island

A presentation on the St. Paul Island DXpedition by Craig K9CT.

Manufacturer’s Forum

Elecraft and Flexradio will provide a glimpse into the future of amateur radio equipment.

ARRL & Cycle 25 Updates

Carl K9LA will provide an update on the ARRL and Cycle 25 progress

TX5S – Clipperton Island

A Clipperton Island DXPedition recap by Gene K5GS

Banquet Keynote Speaker

Bernie McClenny, W3UR – The man behind The Daily DX