2024 Schedule of Events

Please see the programs and universities page for confirmed presenters and program details.

Friday, September 13

The university will run on Friday. Morning coffee will be provided, as will a pizza luncheon at 12:00 PM.

2024 University Schedule

University Schedule

8:45 AMIntroductionN9EP / K9CT
9:00 AMSolar Weather & Propagation ToolsK9LA
10:00 AMDXing, Contesting: Pick TwoAB9YC
11:00 AMARRL DXCC Card Checker ProgramW0VTT
12:00 PMLunch
1:00 PMDX/Contest RoundtableK9CT & W0GJ
2:00 PMDigital Contesting with RTTY & FT8K9WX
3:00 PMIntroduction to ClublogK9EL
4:00 PMClosingN9EP / K9CT

Saturday, September 14

2024 Program Schedule

All events located in the Grand Ballroom unless otherwise noted.

Time (CDT)ProgramPresenter
8:00 AMDoors Open/Registration
9:00 AMOpening RemarksKermit Carlson (W9XA)
9:15 AM
10:00 AMDoor Prizes
10:15 AMBreak
10:30 AM
11:15 AM
12:00 PMLunch – On Your Own
1:00 PMDoor Prizes
1:15 PM
2:15 PM
3:00 PMDoor PrizesCraig Thompson (K9CT)
3:15 PMBreak
3:30 PM
4:30 PMDoor & Raffle Prizes – Closing RemarksCraig Thompson (K9CT)
5:00 PMCW Pile-up Contest (Room TBA)Mike McGurr (K9AJ) & John Holmes (W9ILY)
5:30 PMReception (Grand Ballroom Foyer)
7:00 PMBanquetKeynote Speaker:
Bernie MCClenny (W3UR)